admittedly I've not written as often as I'd planned, it's hard to write like you have an audience when you don't have an audience.... or do I.... are you reading this? okay, the excerpt, but first, a little back ground. I bought myself a little 7" Epad that runs on android, and a little usb keyboard/case that houses it, all in a desire to be able to write quickly and neatly whenever inspiration took me. So I was on a break from my internship and I pulled out the ol' epad and started testing the notepad program I downloaded, I wrote "It was right about then that the dragon burst from the bush....." Today I added and adjusted and discarded and got a nice little piece of a story that I may eventually try shaping a novella or novel around. Here ya go, you may be the first person to read the first partial draft of a bestselling book, are you excited? oh yeah the story:
the dragon burst from the brush, its massive body exploding from the confines of a finche. When the rapidly expanding beast, Elenorsa, screamed for the earth to come to her aid, the cliff eroupted in a shower of dirt as rocks small as pebbles and large melons shaped themselves around the dragon's shifting form. Even as Elenorsa unfurled her new-made wings, she called fire to wreath, in glowing embers, that stone that sheathed her body. She left her deadly-sharp ivory bare of fire and earth, naked to the world; her eyes, a burning red, remained ungaurded beyond lighting quick reflexis of heavily scaled eyelids; Lastly her leathery wings billowed, unrestricted by stone, in the noon-day sun, filling with the lift a warm-air-swell. Elenorsa rose, beating her wings in powreful sweeps, launching the height of three men with their every pulse . With each blast of wind she forced between herself and the cliff ledge, the stones glowed more fiercely; soon the curves of the beast were a molten torrent of melted stone, specks of lava dripped from her rising figure like wax from a candle. With a final beat of her wings, she somersaulted around to face her foe, bellowing a fierce challange. She released the fire she'd pressed into the stone as she began her dive. Air rushed past her at incredible speeds, aided by occassional thrusts of her great wings; no longer burnning at Elenorsa's whim, the wind carried the heat of the flowing stone away. Its color dimmed to red, its movement slowed, then stopped, cooled to a deep charcoal black. Here and there On her streaking body, veins of gold and iron shown, intespersed with clusters of gems, rubbies, saffires, emerald, quartz, and small diamonds were collected above her heart...
okay, its not long, but I think its got a certain Jenny-say-"kwah".... I don't know what that means (heh heh, get it?) but I like it