So I've spent a few hours writing. not sure when I started. Tenish? anyway, I got a couple thousand fresh words cracked out. It's about what I'm expecting from myself. if I'm in the zone I can write 500+ thousand words every 15 minutes. But that is usually spaced out with times of "hmm what happens next" and "how can I phrase this". Writing that quickly generally puts more words on paper, but I often hate what I'm writing in those times. looking back at them, they usually aren't too bad, but I'm less confident in them as I go.
I also revised a section of the story that I realized wasn't following cannon, that took some time. But it wasn't as aweful as I was expecting. actually, I was really set to write. If I can write this much every day, and maybe 5k extra on weekends, I should be set come september. Today this goal feels very attainable. I'm getting tired, so I don't know that I'll be able to write more today, but I think I'm okay with that.
The website is coming along too. I'm not likely to have it completed by the July, but we'll see. I'm going to try to get some more out of the way right now. So far, I have the main page pretty much finished. I haven't uploaded it yet, so no checking! I've got 3 goals for it this afternoon. I'm going to try to get a template set up that I can post my web book (Seven Kingdoms) and a mirror of this blog on. That shouldn't take long, as I know about what I want. With that done I can quickly mirror what blogs I've written (since the start of the year anyway). If I have time and energy, I MIGHT also do a quick revision and post of the first section of the novel. I'll probably make it a teaser though, since I don't have enough written yet to really start posting. But I might be able to get word out, get people interested. I also want to make a "Sorry this page hasn't been created yet, this is a beta version of the site. please check again later! XD" page.
Alright, I'm going to go attempt to do this. But one final note. I've found that listening to music helps me, so long as I can't sing along, and it's high energy. So I've been listening (for several hours) to this japanese music, it's odd, but I like it, and it meets the requirements. Thanks pandora! I will take my check now (God that joke is tired)
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